Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CookQuirky: How to make Peter Perfect Pancakes

Well LOOK below where YOU'll have the BEST pancakes ever!!!!!
 If not I'll make you some (joke btw ;))

How to make Peter Perfect Pancakes

with Chocolate Sauce!
  • 100g/3oz plain flour 
  • 1 egg
  • 250ml of milk
  • pinch salt
  • drizzle of oil
Chocolate  Sauce
55g/2oz Caster Sugar
 25g1/2 oz of dark cocoa powder
Splosh  warm water 

  • Frying pan
  • Mixing bowl
  • Wooden spoon/Whisk
  • Sieve
  1. Sieve the flour and salt into the mixing bowl.
  2. Make a whole in the middle and drop in the egg and the milk(gradually!)
  3. Stir/Whisk the mixture.
  4. Heat frying pan with the oil.
  5. Pour in little of the mixture at a time and tilt the pan to spread batter over the pan.
  6. Fry on each side for 1-2 mins until golden.
SAUCE: Whisk the ingredients over a medium heat in a saucepan. Add extra water depending on how thick/thin you want it :)
Place your pancakes on a plater and drizzle
the chocolate sauce ALL over!!!!

Happy Pancaking 
Let me know how it goes ^^

(p.s Compare my "How to make Pancakes with Chocolate Sauce" with yours!!!)